Magic Tantra Retreat

9. - 11. August 2024

Join us on for our intensive weekend retreat focusing on specific topics that will open your mind, change your life and elevate you along the path of profound spiritual training and development. Topics like opening the heart, understanding the structure of the ego, attachments and detachment, sacred sensuality and active love.  All workshops are geared towards personal growth, health, healing self and well-being.


Programs you can join

  • Magic tantra breath work, Ida and Pingala as well
  • introduction to magic tantra life
  • Wim Hoff style with swimming in the cold water, guided
  • pH lesson, medicine plants
  • health cooking workshop to increase vibes in a body and heal
  • learning about healing frequencies 
  • living conscious tantra life in present moment and changing reality
  • awaking kundalini energy and Yoga
  • balancing chakras
  • learning about healing frequencies
  • magic tantra workshop
  • living conscious tantra life in present moment
  • how to communicate vulnerably and authentically
  • guided meditation in a cave
  • bush walk in pure nature around with plants medicines lesson 
  • outside gym at  bush available to use

Magic tantra workshop

Expected Outcomes

  • found the way how to change your life from the bottom to up
  • taking time just for you to find yourself
  • living in a present moment
  • accept others and be accepted by others just the way you are 
  • learn new things
  • adventure, fun, experiences
  • developed self confidence 
  • feel comfortable in your skin and body, love yourself unconditionally how you really are
  • reestablishing your connection with yourself and nature
  • start healing your body, mind and soul and know how to do that
  • growth of your consciousness level 
  • feeling to be enough 
  • improved communication skills to be able to talk about everything openly
  • feel fully responsibility for all your reality 
  • live the life you wanna create 
  • setting new healthy habits for happier life
  • NNN= new connections, new friends and new experiences

More info

  • 3 days starting on Friday at 7pm, check in from 4pm, check out Sunday at 8pm
  • location : 1,5hours from Sydney north
  • accomodation: 2 beds rooms/ dormitory room / 4 beds room / kings beds rooms / tents / hammocks / your own van or tent – up to you
  • food provided from our permaculture garden + juices and healthy food GF,  Vegan, LF, GFML, only vibrating food with balance of pH
  • parking spots for free
  • easy to get there by car or car pooling from Sydney
  • showers, toilets, community kitchen, fireplace inside and outside as well
  • playground, water hole on property for swimming and simple outside gym
What to expect?
  • big adventure
  • no phone, no wifi, no alcohol event !!!
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